Roen의 iOS 개발로그

NoBuildableEntriesError: active scheme does not build this file select a scheme (Xcode에서 아무 이유없이 Preview가 안뜰때)

by Steady On

개인적으로 효과본 방법을 공유합니다.

  1. 맥 시스템 설정 - 일반 - 정보 - 저장공간 설정... - 개발자 더블클릭
  2. Xcode 캐시 삭제 후 Xcode를 command + Q로 완전 종료하고 재실행


참고 자료


【SwiftUI】previewエラー active scheme does not build this file

SwiftUIでpreviewでエラーが出た際の対応方法です。previewエラー今回対象となるエラーは以下の通りです。NoBuildableEntriesError: active scheme does not build this f



NoBuildableEntriesError: active scheme does not build this file select a scheme that builds a target which contains the current file, or add this file to a target that is built by the current scheme.
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Roen의 iOS 개발로그

Steady On
